Why Choose Community Montessori

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Community Montessori Offers:

  • An extraordinary faculty and staff, with caring, Montessori-trained teachers and assistants, who are focused on each child’s needs.

  • A tuition-free Montessori school, with no fees.

  • A challenging curriculum, which is both faithful to Montessori’s philosophy and reflects the latest in childhood education research.

  • A rich learning environment, consisting of Montessori materials, research tools, and practical life and artistic areas to complement the environment.

  • A personalized approach, with teachers observing and guiding each child to their fullest potential using their training in Learning Styles and Positive Discipline.

  • An engaged community, consisting of families and educators, who work together to create the best environment for the children.

  • A committed administration staff, is available to address questions relating to your child’s education or any other topic.


Learning Success Model


At the heart of the Community Montessori educational philosophy and practices is the belief that all students can become successful self-directed learners prepared to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.  


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Personalized learning begins with understanding your child's Power Traits. A learner’s Power Traits refer to how the child best relates to how your child learns, works, and communicates.  These traits are discovered through The Self-Portrait™ Power Traits Assessment, which has been helping students for over twenty years to rediscover that they can learn and reawaken a desire for learning.  It’s more than making learning more feasible, it's about creating authentic learning.  

Learn more about our Learning Success Model.


Parents and students collaborate with their education facilitator to design and implement personalized learning plans that incorporate student power traits, personal interests, and passions.  

Curriculum, materials, resources, and community-based partners are identified and accessed to support the student’s unique learning plan. 

A California credentialed Educational Facilitator meets with the parent and student at least once a learning period to collaborate around student progress and support. 


Learn More About the Farm

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Imagine a place where a community of students are engaged in the most ancient of traditions. A place where students are learning the skills of collaboration and compromise with not just each other, but with the land itself. A place where students are given real, meaningful and adult work and encouraged to be accountable for what they contribute. A place where students are asked to design, engineer, build and implement solutions to real world problems, using a wide array of skills and resources. A place where adults work alongside students, learning and solving as a community.

Welcome to Oak Hill Farm

Maria Montessori always envisaged a farm as the ideal place for the middle school aged child. A place, away from family, where the child can practice and learn real world skills and responsibilities, in a safe and caring environment. At Oak Hill Farm a wide variety of crops are grown and harvested, using only organic methods. Students work on creating a rich and diverse farm that includes vegetables, fruit trees, berries, grapes, chickens, worms and active compost piles. Students are sowing, weeding, harvesting, and mulching. They are caring for animals and making decisions about their health and well-being. They are recording and analyzing crop growth data and researching the most up to date and innovative organic farming methods. Then they are selling produce to the community and recording income and expenditure, and deciding how to invest in and grow the farm.

The farm is integrated into the curriculum in so many ways and becomes a vital part of the daily middle school routine. Each group of students adds their own unique touch to the farm and over the years we have seen steady growth and expansion in all areas.


What is a Charter School?

California's charter schools are tuition-free, public, and open to all students. California charter public schools have rigorous curriculum programs and unique educational approaches. In exchange for operational freedom and flexibility, charter schools are subject to higher levels of accountability than traditional public schools. Charter schools offer high-quality education options to communities. In fact, 70% of Californian parents support charter public schools and 72% agree they should have more public school options.